buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Verify - Information Truth Checker style.css header class hero nav div Verify class logo div class nav-links a Tools href #tools a Methods href #methods a Resources href #resources div class hero-content h1 Discover Truth in Information p Navigate the sea of information with confidence and clarity button Fact Check Now class cta-button onclick openFactChecker() main section id tools class tools-section h2 Truth-Finding Tools div class tool-grid div class tool-card div 🔍 class tool-icon h3 Source Verification p Analyze credibility and authenticity of information sources div class tool-card div 📊 class tool-icon h3 Data Analysis p Examine statistics and data representations div class tool-card div 🎯 class tool-icon h3 Bias Detection p Identify potential biases in information div class tool-card div 🔗 class tool-icon h3 Cross-Reference p Compare multiple reliable sources section id methods class methods-section h2 Verification Methods div class method-timeline div class method-step h3 1. Question p Start with skepticism div class method-step h3 2. Research p Gather evidence div class method-step h3 3. Analyze p Evaluate findings div class method-step h3 4. Conclude p Draw informed conclusions section id resources class resources-section h2 Trusted Resources div class resource-grid div class resource-card h3 Fact-Checking Databases p Access verified information div class resource-card h3 Research Methods p Learn proper verification techniques div class resource-card h3 Expert Network p Connect with fact-checking experts footer div class footer-content p Built for truth-seekers by truth-seekers div class footer-links a Guidelines href #guidelines a About href #about a Contact href #contact script.js